The Basics of Tantra
Your brain is constantly pulsing with electrical activity, creating rhythmic patterns known as brainwaves. These frequencies influence everything from deep meditation to heightened focus. By understanding and working with brainwaves, we can shift our consciousness, enhance creativity and deepen spiritual awareness.
Life force energy flows through all creation, sustaining and nourishing existence. By understanding and cultivating this vital essence, we unlock the keys to greater well-being, heightened intuition and a deeper connection to the universe.
Reality is more than what meets the eye. The planes of existence reveal the unseen layers of consciousness, energy and spirit, guiding our journey through life and beyond. Explore these realms and uncover the deeper dimensions of existence.
Yoga is more than just a physical practice—it’s a gateway to strength, balance and deep inner connection. From improving flexibility to cultivating emotional resilience, explore five powerful benefits of yoga that elevate both body and soul.
The sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana, is the source of creativity, sensuality and emotional flow. When balanced, it allows you to embrace pleasure, passion and deep connection. Explore the power of this energy centre and how to awaken its full potential.
Tantric sexuality is a sacred art, blending passion, love, and spiritual presence into a transformative experience.
Explore the sacred essence of the yoni, the gateway to feminine power, creativity, and deep spiritual connection. Learn how honoring the yoni fosters emotional healing, empowerment, and the reclamation of divine feminine energy.
Kundalini, the coiled serpent of life force energy, lies dormant at the base of the spine, waiting to be awakened.
Discover the mystical essence of Dakinis—spiritual embodiments of feminine wisdom, liberation, and empowerment.
The solar plexus chakra, or Manipura, is the fire within—the source of confidence, inner strength and personal power. When balanced, it fuels self-trust, motivation and the courage to step into your fullest potential. Explore how to awaken this vital energy and harness its transformative force.
White, Red, and Black Tantra offer unique pathways to spiritual awakening, each addressing different aspects of life and consciousness.
Explore the crown chakra's role in spiritual awakening and unity. Learn how to balance this energy centre for clarity, peace, and a deeper connection to universal consciousness.
To feel is to truly live. Our emotions are the essence of our human experience, connecting us deeply with ourselves, others, and the world around us.
Dakini power is a potent, transformative force that connects us to the realms of wisdom, freedom, and divine feminine energy.
The interplay of the feminine and masculine is an eternal dance, shaping how we connect with ourselves, others, and the world around us.
Letting go is a profound act of release that frees us from attachment and suffering. This article dives into the process of surrender, exploring its impact on emotional healing, spiritual growth, and self-discovery.
Duality shapes our perception of the world, dividing experiences into opposites like light and dark, good and bad.
Touch is one of the most profound ways we connect, heal, and build trust with ourselves and others. This article delves into the art of touch as a pathway to cultivating deeper trust in relationships and within.
The fight, flight or freeze response is an instinctive survival mechanism, but what happens when it becomes overactive in daily life?
Karma is often misunderstood as simple cause and effect, yet it’s far more intricate, encompassing the energy of thoughts, actions and intentions.
Truth, by definition, is adherence to actual existence, a verified and indisputable fact. It is authenticity and integrity…
Tantra evolved into a spiritual practice to heal, hone and transform the human body and mind in order…
The Triadic Mind consists of Atma, Buddhi and Manas. It is the collective soul consciousness of an individual…
Chakra is the Sanskrit term for wheel and nadi, channel. Applied to the body, nadis are channels that circulate life force.
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by emotions that seem to come out of nowhere, or struggled with recurring patterns in your life? You're not alone.
The third eye, or Ajna chakra, is the seat of intuition, insight, and spiritual vision. Awakening the third eye allows you to perceive beyond the physical, guiding you toward clarity, higher wisdom, and a deeper understanding of the universe’s mysteries.
In a world where intimacy often seems fleeting and superficial, the ancient practice of tantric sex offers a pathway to a deeper connection with both oneself and one's partner.
Tantric Practice
The body holds ancient wisdom, speaking in sensations, tension and movement. Somatic awareness is the practice of tuning into these signals, allowing us to access deeper layers of healing, self-trust and emotional release.
Healing is more than the absence of illness; it is a deep return to wholeness. True healing occurs when we address the layers of emotional, energetic and spiritual imbalances, bringing awareness to what longs to be seen and released.
Managing trauma is a journey of profound healing and self-discovery. Trauma often leaves imprints in the body and mind, shaping how we experience the world.
Personal practice is the cornerstone of spiritual growth and self-awareness. It’s where we create a sacred container to explore our inner world, build resilience, and deepen our connection to the universe.
Goddess rituals connect us to the divine feminine within, offering a sacred space for empowerment, healing, and transformation.
In Yoga, the term Sankalpa is used for a divine intention, solemn vow, one-pointed will or determination. Samskaras are subtle impressions of past thoughts, speech and actions in the psyche…
Bee Breath, Bhramari Pranayama in Yoga, is a form of breathing involving humming during exhalation…
An advanced and authentic Yoga or Tantra practice has qualities of ease and poise, without striving or force…
Abdominal Breath, also known as diaphragmatic breath, is the breath that brings the body back to homeostasis…
Love, a universal language that speaks to the depths of the soul. Just as we all possess a unique personality, the expression and reception of love vary in distinctive ways for everyone.
Women’s sexuality has been suppressed, exploited and abused throughout time…
Erogenous zones traverse the whole body and build in particular potency where the nerves gather in closest arrangements across and just under our skin…
Cultivating loving kindness within and without creates a better you and brings in more friendliness, good will and genuineness from others.
The Circular Breath is the continuous cycling of life force throughout the body starting from the jaw, going down the front of the body to the pelvic floor, up the back, over the head to the top palate.
Did you know that some stones have healing properties? They can be used to bring inner peace, comfort, self love and health to your life. You can choose crystals to connect with your feminine or masculine energy, bring balance, restore peace within yourself and many more things. Each crystal has its own unique benefits.
To apply Tantra to the realm of intimacy, there has to be deep respect for and credence in the practice. There should be belief and implicit trust in the lovers with each other. Mental constructs need to collapse momentarily to make way for opening with your lover in full surrender to each other and the divine as it works its magic through you.
Body Armouring is a process that occurs from experiences that prompt the urge within us to block, defend or numb ourselves. This may be due to danger, anxiety, stress and other disturbing feelings and sensations that the experiences bring with them.
With Tantric paths that accept sensuality as an expression of spirituality, the main purpose of the practice is to attain spiritual freedom and enlightenment, using everything we have been given as human beings.
Life, Sexuality & Soul
Professional boundaries in healing and spiritual work are vital to maintaining trust and respect between practitioner and client. However, these boundaries can sometimes be misinterpreted, especially in fields where profound emotional or energetic connections arise.
Healing from sexual trauma is a deeply personal and transformative process. This journey often involves reclaiming a sense of safety, reconnecting with your body, and gently addressing the emotions and memories tied to the experience.
What Does it Mean to Live a Tantric Life in Today’s Fast-Paced, Urban World? Is Tantra something only for those who have hours to meditate and practice away from the noise of the world or can it be woven into your everyday life—amidst work commitments, busy schedules and the rush of city living?
Nurturing intimacy in a long-distance relationship requires creativity, intention and open communication. Distance can feel like a barrier, but it can also deepen your bond as you explore meaningful ways to connect emotionally and energetically.
In the rush of everyday life, it’s easy to overlook the potential for finding peace and meaning in your daily routines. With a shift in perspective, these routines can become powerful rituals that enrich your life and encourage you toward fulfilling your dreams.
I decided to go on an adventure to Sumba solo. The catalyst was to visit The Sanubari resort and see the potential for running Tantra Yoga retreats there. Whilst there, I felt it might be nice to explore the island. I got so much more than just exploration of the island.
Suited to all looking to deepen connection in love, our 8-day Tantric Retreat offers an especially unique experience for couples seeking to reset, reconnect and reignite their relationships.
By directing your awareness inward, and tuning into your senses, you can uncover a wealth of experiences and insights that often go unnoticed.
Love magnetism is driven by embodying the boundless love within and gracefully channelling it outward, like a divine flow.
Respect in sex is the foundation for cultivating loving, nurturing intimate experiences with lovers…
Hard work does not necessarily equate to success as much as we might hope it would…
The world of virtual reality is now vast and with seemingly infinite potential to keep unfolding like fractals…
Naturally we crave affection and physical intimacy as humans and sentient beings…
There’s a time and a place to yield and forgive. It’s not when someone asks it of you…
Many lose sight of their dreams as the trials of age, disease, responsibility and superficial desires smother them…
In my Tantra sessions with men, I often experience men saying something along the lines of "but I'm usually the giver, can't I give to you?"
Wind can make music of nature and also tear it apart. Mere droplets of water become rivers…
To be in touch with reality in love is crucial if we want to develop a relationship that considers, loves and honours each individual of that relationship…
In this journal entry, we explore soulmates, twin flames and karmic lovers one may experience in their lifetime.
Emotional manipulation by a lover can leave long term consequences with us such as problems with intimacy, trust, respect, insecurity and creating meaningful connections with other people.
There are many ways to consciously relate. How we define it for ourselves in our current relationships is going to vary vastly…
This one lands right on the home front, coming from personal experience. Many women are taught by parents, by society, by religion, to negate their basic primal instincts for the sake of social propriety and appeasing the status quo wherein male privilege still reigns.
It is an illusion to believe freedom for and change within ourselves is not possible…
This is a particularly relevant topic for those who struggle with putting up boundaries for the sake of their own protection and empowerment…
Over the last few decades, pornography has experienced lots of transformations due to the internet's availability. It has also become more addictive than ever before as lots of people (especially millennials) spend time watching porn.
We often hear this word but do we really know what it means? Where sympathy is feeling “for another”, empathy goes beyond that to have us feeling “with another” almost as if we are one and the same…
Women faking orgasms is actually very common. This might be disappointing to hear but it’s better you know it now than going forth in vain whilst being fooled by an orgasm actress who is tricking you to your detriment and hers, little does she realize.
Impotence and premature ejaculation are very common issues in men. There are many reasons why a man might have these issues. In my experience, I’ve discovered some reasons to be the most common, which you’ll see below.
Beneath conditioned thoughts and fleeting emotions lies an unshakable, luminous presence—Buddha Nature. This innate purity is ever-present, waiting to be realised. Through mindfulness, meditation and inner stillness, we awaken to our boundless essence, free from illusion and limitation.