Understanding the Chakra System: Unlock Energy, Health and Harmony
The Seven Chakras
Chakra is the Sanskrit term for wheel, and nadi means channel. When applied to the body, nadis are channels that circulate life force energy throughout the body.
The points at which they intersect are chakras, where life force gathers, projects outwards and receives inwards. The chakras are all connected via the nadis.
Yogic texts suggest that there are around 72,000 nadis and 88,000 chakras. Along the spine, there are three primary nadis. They intersect at seven points from the base to the crown, creating the most well-known chakras today — root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown.
When an individual's chakra system is well-balanced and clear, it radiates a powerful aura of life, intelligence, happiness and peace that positively affects everything around them. Afflictions, distractions and conflict scatter and impede natural energy flow and cultivation.
Tantric and Yogic practices aim to clear and revitalise the chakra system. Each of the seven primary chakras governs an aspect of life and the evolution of the soul.
The Root Chakra
Colour — Red
Location — Pelvic floor
Sanskrit — Muladhara
Properties — Physical vitality, foundation, procreation
Yoga — Hatha & Kundalini
Element — Earth
Scent — Sandalwood, myrrh
Sense — Smell
Body — Nose, feet to pelvis, bones, colon, immune system, excretory system, gonads & ovaries, blood
Related Diseases — Osteoporosis, cancer, impotence & infertility, anaemia, IBS, depression, dissociative disorder
The Root Chakra governs our relation to the ground and physical dimension, vitality, passion, primal sexuality and survival instincts.
This chakra provides the foundation for all other chakras. Too much energy in this chakra results in a territorial, hot-blooded, potentially violent individual.
Marking territory is highly important to them. They mindlessly trespass the boundaries of others with dominating primal force. They doggedly refuse to follow authority, despise change and are easily angered. They tend toward issues of weight gain, overactive libido, laziness and depression.
Too little energy in this chakra results in an insecure, disempowered and submissive person. They tend to dissociate from the world, struggle to complete tasks and leave disorder about them, hindering forward movement. They don’t cope well in large groups or parties.
They often develop unhealthy addictions in vain attempts to find stability. They tend toward issues with weight loss, under-active or non-existent libido, anaemia, fear and anxiety.
When this chakra is balanced, it provides vitality, stable-mindedness, healthy libido, competence and strong boundaries for an individual.
Balance this chakra by walking barefoot to earth, sleeping on or close to the ground and exercising to strengthen the feet, ankles and legs. When overactive, vigorous exercise and intellectual learning are helpful.
When underactive, single-pointed focus, completing simple tasks and slow strengthening exercises are helpful.
The Sacral Chakra
Colour — Orange
Location — Bowl of pelvis
Sanskrit — Svadisthana
Properties — Sensuality, sexuality, contentment, pleasure, desire, adaptability
Yoga — Tantra
Element — Water
Scent — Jasmine, orange blossom, gardenia
Sense — Taste
Body — Tongue, intestines, genitals, lymph, kidneys, lower back, sacrum, pubis
Related Diseases — Fluid retention, urogenital infections, irregular menses, IBS, STDs, bi-polar, addictions, lymphedema, lymphoma, anxiety disorder
The Sacral Chakra governs the tangible connections with ourselves and others. It rules emotion, contentment, empathy, sensual expression and sensory pleasure.
Too much energy in this chakra results in an individual who is inconsistent, dramatic, manipulative, mentally tumultuous and indecisive, highly emotional and uncontrollably sexual.
They develop clingy attachments to others and bitterly criticise and ostracise those they don’t like or know. They commonly develop addictions to food, alcohol, sex and/or drugs. They have insatiable desires and habitually seek instant gratification. They need constant validation from others.
Too little energy in this chakra results in a doubtful, guilt-ridden, self-effacing person who denies themselves pleasurable things and meaningful connections.
They struggle with creativity and identity, burn out and get taken advantage of easily, often without even realising it until after it’s happened. Sexuality to them is daunting or exhausting.
A balanced sacral chakra manifests in someone sensual, chameleonic, who loves to move and who possesses adaptability and creativity. They readily accept and ride the waves of change. To balance this chakra, dance and regularly exercise with broad movements and deep stretches, especially around the hips and buttocks.
Location — Navel
Sanskrit — Manipura
Properties — Power, self esteem, drive
Yoga — Hatha, Karma & Raja
Element — Fire
Scent — Lemon, frankincense, wattle, palo santo
Colour — Yellow
Sense — Sight
Body — Eyes, face, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas
Related Diseases — Poor digestion, acid reflux, liver disease, gallstones, stomach ulcers, inflammation anywhere in the body, acne, psychopathy, sociopathy, narcissism
The Solar Plexus is known in Sanskrit as the “city of jewels.” It rules attitude, resilience, respect, personal power and success and determines how well one can be one's own leader and lead others.
Too much energy in this chakra results in overly fastidious, hot-tempered, hyper-energetic and competitive individuals.
They have to be correct and dominant over others around them. Their relationships struggle due to their constant battle for power and conquest over love. They tend toward narcissism and in extreme cases, they become psychopaths and sociopaths.
Too little energy in this chakra results in nervous people who lack self-discipline and confidence and question their actions. They feel inherently inferior and seek approval from others, even those they don’t know.
They harbour petty jealousy, distrust and miserliness. They live vicariously through others and relationships are complicated because they tend to fall under their partner’s power.
A balanced solar plexus chakra is present in someone who is in harmony with their environment, holds a resilient, cheery and confident attitude, and has self-respect and a decisive mind.
They set goals and achieve them efficiently with discipline, motivation, prioritisation and fierce determination. They become naturally strong leaders.
These individuals become the pioneers others aspire to be like and follow. To balance this chakra, navel twists and core strengthening exercises greatly help, as does daily sunbathing time.
The Heart Chakra
Location — Heart
Sanskrit — Anahata
Properties — Love, compassion, being at one with nature
Yoga — Bhakti
Element — Air
Scent — Eucalyptus, rose, gardenia
Colour — Green
Sense — Touch
Body — Skin, heart, lungs, hands, thymus gland, circulatory system
Related Diseases — Pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, heart murmurs, palpitations & attacks, circulation issues, hypertension, thoracic spine issues
The Heart Chakra is associated with unconditional love, trust, clarity, peace, kindness, acceptance and deep understanding without words or definitions.
Anahata, the Sanskrit term, translates as ‘unstruck, unhurt and unbeaten’. Other chakras seemingly outshine it because love is a subtler, silent power.
Too much energy in the heart chakra results in hypersensitivity to extremes of feelings, especially pain and suffering. Deep grief and despair can weigh in heavily and override body and soul, severely impairing immunity, self-protection and forethought.
These individuals need time to rebalance in peaceful, nourishing solitude and simple surroundings. They also need to be careful in selecting people to be close to, i.e. those who reciprocate and honour their love and intensity.
Too little energy in this chakra is common. Lower chakras dominate, meaning people tend to be more about territory, power, sex and materialism before love. Actual love rarely enters their world because they block it.
Their concept of love is confused. Deep inside, they feel unloved, cold and distant from the world and constantly seek to take love from others without reciprocating it.
When this chakra is strong, it has an extraordinarily powerful way of permeating all things with loving energy. It fills one with compassion and love. Actions come from love and gratitude. Others are drawn to these individuals as their uncomplicated presence evokes peace.
To balance this chakra, immerse yourself in nature and reconnect to your roots — earth, true family and friends. Open your perspective. Walk forth in life with trust in yourself and without depending on others to hold you. Exercises stretching open the thoracic spine and heart area help as well as dancing across the earth, revelling in its beauty.
The Throat Chakra
Location — Throat
Sanskrit — Vishuddha
Properties — Creative intellect, transformation of energy through words and images
Yoga — Mantra
Element — Ether
Scent — Basil, blue chamomile, rosemary
Colour — Blue, silver
Sense — Speech, hearing
Body — Ears, thyroid & parathyroid glands, trachea, vocal folds, sinuses, joints, nasal passage, tonsils
Related Diseases — Hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, throat infections, tonsillitis, damaged vocal folds, muteness, dental/jaw problems, cervical spine issues, muscular tension around neck & shoulders
Above the Heart, the chakras govern more ethereal, intellectual and creative aspects. The Throat Chakra governs the unique expression of truth and soul, the voice, communication and artistic and intellectual creativity. In Sanskrit, the word Vishuddha means purification.
Too much energy in this chakra results in overly analytical, pedantic individuals who speak excessively and erratically. They are often at odds with their own thinking, struggle with listening to others, intellectualise everything, avoid vulnerability and antagonistically assert their truth over others.
Too little energy in this chakra results in very soft-spoken individuals who are timid, even trembling when expressing their views. They cannot speak up for themselves and be heard. They may also be forgetful and struggle with articulating their true feelings.
Those with a balanced throat chakra have overall clarity and seek to prevent that from being tainted. They may be brilliant musicians, can meditate easily and attain transcendental states.
They use their energy efficiently and effectively to fulfil deeper desires because their decisions arise from crystal clear intellect. They have highly attuned creativity and communication skills and detect lies and truth very well. They are connected to their true and unique nature and have ease with expressing themselves.
To balance this chakra, creative expression such as painting, crafting, singing and acting greatly help. Reciting mantras and journaling are also very useful.
The Third Eye Chakra
Location — Mid-upper brow
Sanskrit — Ajna
Properties — Genius, mind, telepathy, foresight, intuition
Yoga — Jnana
Element — Light
Scent — Lavender, sage, vetiver
Colour — Indigo, gold
Sense — Inner Knowing
Body — Brain, cochlea, optic nerves, pituitary and pineal glands
Related Diseases — Vision problems, hearing difficulties, chronic stress, headaches & migraines, panic attacks, depression, learning issues, autism, ADD, ADHD, insomnia, insanity, schizophrenia
The Third Eye Chakra is the gateway to enlightenment, the seat of the higher self, genius and intuition.
Ideas, dreams and ambitions land in this intelligence centre from the Crown Chakra and are then categorised and prioritised for implementation. The Third Eye governs telepathic, clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient abilities.
Too much energy in this chakra results in an overactive imagination, and individuals tend to live in a fantasy world disconnected from reality. Cynicism, over-intellectualising and apathy for others can dominate their mindset.
The addictive, constant influx of insights leads to the lower, primal chakras losing energy. This means vitality and immunity weaken, mental disorders prevail and the drive to achieve goals is lost. However, they may well be very capable of outsmarting and manipulating others to do their work for them.
Too little energy in this chakra results in a person with memory and/or learning difficulties, visual, imaginative and creative “blocks”. Their intuition is poor, and they insensitively oppose or walk on others’ creative ideas.
They tend to think in black and white and prefer logic over creativity. They’re stubborn in acknowledging that rational and creative thinking can coexist because they don’t understand how they can. These people struggle to make big life decisions in alignment with deeper desires due to their inner vision being clouded.
A balanced Third Eye results in an individual with sharp intelligence, intuition, foresight, charm and mystique. They have little to no fear of death. Obstacles on their path cease to be an issue quickly because they find other ways and see obstacles as lessons to be learned from.
They may have insight into past lives, be capable of communicating with beings from other realms such as angels, demons and lost spirits.
To balance the Third Eye, work on balancing the lower chakras first. This will establish healthy foundations for the Third Eye. You can then use meditation, pranayama, visualisation, the practice of lucid dreaming and sound nidra to further clarify the third eye, to name just a few practices.
The Crown Chakra
Location — Crown of head
Sanskrit — Sahasrara
Properties — Divinity, spontaneity, miracles, cosmic consciousness, bliss, peace
, being
Yoga — Meditation
Element — Sound
Scent — Cedarwood, honey
Colour — White / Violet
Sense — Higher Self, Supreme Consciousness
Body — Nervous System
Related Diseases — Neurological diseases, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, dementia, paralysis, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, senility
The Crown Chakra is the portal of the body through which the divine is channelled. As the Base Chakra connects us to Earth, the Crown Chakra connects us to the Universe and the Divine.
Sahasrara, the Sanskrit term for the Crown Chakra, means ‘thousand fold’, so the chakra is depicted as a white or violet lotus with a thousand petals representing absolute wisdom.
This chakra is about enlightenment, order, personal and spiritual evolution, acting from bliss and divine spontaneity, simply being, embodying pure joy and ecstasy. It unites the soul with body, heart and mind.
When this chakra is open but undeveloped, the Crown Chakra can lead to obsessive, erratic and scattered thinking, as well as questing for the “spiritual” at the expense of mundane but necessary and stabilising life duties.
These people often struggle to fit into culture, society and family. Suicide very commonly happens with these individuals because they don’t know how to cope in the physical world and may not have found anyone who can safely and lovingly guide them.
When this chakra is unopened, it results in a rigid, selfish, spiritually naive and sceptical person. They may have a pessimistic outlook, lack ethics and struggle to find their true identity.
These individuals don’t receive or block divine guidance and inspiration, which leads to deep soul rage and colossal feelings of unworthiness for anything blissful or divine.
However, they may still strive for it and try to snatch it from others, believing they alone cannot embody the divine. This can cause great harm to others and the world. They may also believe that because they can’t be divine, no one and nothing else can.
When open and well-developed, individuals feel connected to everything. They may be able to perform miracles, transcend the laws of nature and receive a crystal-clear understanding of the cycles of life, death and immortality.
They can access their infinite potential and knowledge of the cosmos. They easily tap into their playful, childlike nature and hold an air of ethereal wisdom.
Meditate in a supine or lotus position to open and develop the Crown Chakra. Believe in their being a Supreme Consciousness who/which creates, maintains and destroys all things. Express gratitude for life with grace.
Take time and space away from everyone else all stimulation and unnatural noise to sit with yourself and simply be. Fast, eat lightly and drink cleanly (i.e. water, herbal teas and fresh juices). Get off drugs, stimulants and alcohol and moderate sugar and salt consumption.