12 Healing Crystals

Did you know that some stones have healing properties?

They can be used to bring inner peace, comfort, self love and health to your life. You can choose crystals to connect with your feminine or masculine energy, bring balance, restore peace within yourself and many more things. Each crystal has its own unique benefits. There are many crystal kinds, so before you choose some to work with, feel into what you may be in need of at this time. Then seek out the crystals that will guide you toward cultivating those benefits.

Here are some of our choices of healing crystals…


Clear quartz is a great tool to work with to bring about mental clarity and emotional equilibrium. It’s a very popular stone to work with in meditation and holds many beautiful varieties. It is a commonly found stone and has a neutralising quality to it. It actually brings temperature balance to its environments too. There have been experiments performed with quartz melting ice faster than normal stones. It is a great stone for restoration and clarifying our desire centre, so that we can focus on what is most important for us and fulfilling our spirits. It can also amplify connection to the crown chakra.


This stone represents calmness, stability and inner peace. If you want to bring clarity and improve your intuition, then amethyst is the crystal for you. When it comes to physical well-being, it can help you sleep better, soothe your headaches and assist in the function of the pineal gland. Other benefits include increasing psychic abilities and providing contentment. It’s a wonderful crystal for meditation. You’ll recognise it by its unique purple colour. Depending on where it is sourced from, the purple can vary from gentle pale hues to deep and rich. Additionally, women who struggle with menstrual cramps can use amethyst to clear their mind and calm their emotions during their period.


If you’ve ever thought you might need some extra motivation to complete all the things you deemed difficult, then the desert rose stone is the one to look for. Known as the crystal of possibilities, it also enhances team spirit, love and collaboration. In case you’re trying to figure out the purpose in your life, this stone is definitely a good aid to have by your side.


This crystal is known for its great healing powers, especially when in the hands of those in deep suffering. If you’re someone who’s a bit quick-tempered, then amber will help to stabilise your emotions. It’s known as a self-healing crystal, so if you are having a period where you are suffering from paranoia, anxiety and/or depression, amber is great to use as extra support during recovery. Amber colours range from yellow and orange to light brown. It’s easy to find all over the world, even though its origins are from the Baltic region and Scandinavia.


This white gemstone carries incredible spiritual energy and because of its connection to the moon energy, it’s great for balancing the female cycle. Besides this, it can help with water retention issues, improve digestion and eliminate toxins from the body. A bonus for women: because it’s deeply connected with fertility, pregnancy and breastfeeding, it’s clear why this gem is considered the ultimate feminine gemstone. And even if you don’t feel like carrying it everywhere, you can get yourself a small moonstone ring that will offer protection and beautiful vibes wherever you go.


Jasper is known as the nurturing and grounding stone. Its main healing property is helping souls who have been abused and traumatised. Another great quality of jasper is that it can effortlessly de-stress those who are going through difficult times. If you want to bring more stability and creativity into your life, feel free to use jasper as your main guiding crystal. It comes in many colours, so choosing one for yourself that you love shouldn’t be difficult.


For all the ambitious souls out there who want to embrace their leadership qualities, this crystal is for you! Wealth, prosperity, power and abundance are its key words. Its qualities are increasing creativity and wealth. In case you’re struggling to maintain your self-confidence, personal power and personal boundaries, then carrying a citrine crystal with you can help abundantly. It’s mostly found in Brazil, France, Russia, Spain, Zambia and Uruguay. You can wear it as an elegant brooch or as a part of a statement necklace. Next time you feel like infusing your soul with happiness and sunshine, treat yourself with a citrine crystal! Keep in mind also, there is heat treated amethyst which is the orange crystal citrine. The natural citrine actually looks more of a light and clear lemon colour.


For those struggling to embrace self-love and cultivate romance, rose quartz crystal is the one to turn to. This one will help you bring more positivity to your life, improve your emotional balance and increase your self love. Rose quartz brings you mindfulness and helps you learn to love yourself and offer unconditional love to those around you. This pale pink crystal has a naturally restorative property to it and promotes healing of issues related to the skin and heart. You can also use it as a sleeping aid and if you’re suffering from chest and lung problems, make sure to use rose quartz as your healing influence.


This beautiful green healing stone associated with the heart chakra promotes forgiveness, empathy, self-growth and self-love. It also heals the inner child and helps out with channeling and transforming negative emotions such as impulsive anger into positivity and peace. It's associated with increasing tolerance of others and providing gentle boosts to self-esteem!


If you have a problem with your thyroid gland (Hashimoto's thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism or similar) then this beautiful dark blue stone is a perfect solution for you. This crystal is also an ideal aid for those who have low-functioning throat chakras. The darker blue hues of lapis lazuli represent the gift of truth and expression, bringing balance to throat chakras and advocating for healthy self-expression. For the best benefits of Lapis Lazuli, wear it as a necklace to benefit your delicate throat. Did you know that Lapis Lazuli is also known for activating the psychic centres at the Third Eye?


This powerful crystal will effectively protect your aura from psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists and other evil spirits that will want to control or manipulate you. It will help you to realise when you should effectively shut down any kind of mental or psychic manipulation. Fluorite can get rid of any electromagnetic fog that can attract or retain negative energies that actively drain your positive energy. It is a good option to keep Rainbow Fluorite at your desk at your workplace for an example if you are having difficulties with energy vampires at work. 


Powerful black tourmaline stones represent purification and the cleansing of the emotional body. In other words, the stone can balance the mind of any toxic thoughts such as anxiety, anger, feelings of worthlessness and similar. This wonderful black crystal also stimulates a sense of altruism and can help with obsessive-compulsive thoughts and behaviours. These stones also offer strong protection against the shadow sides of others. They bring awareness to your own dark side and therefore improve your connection with yourself in your entirety.


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