Soulmates, Twin Flames & Karmic Lovers
In this journal entry, we explore soulmates, twin flames and karmic lovers one may experience in their lifetime.
Is your lover an emotional manipulator?
Emotional manipulation by a lover can leave long term consequences with us such as problems with intimacy, trust, respect, insecurity and creating meaningful connections with other people.
Conscious Relating
There are many ways to consciously relate. How we define it for ourselves in our current relationships is going to vary vastly…
A Woman's Conditioning
This one lands right on the home front, coming from personal experience. Many women are taught by parents, by society, by religion, to negate their basic primal instincts for the sake of social propriety and appeasing the status quo wherein male privilege still reigns.
Freedom & Change
It is an illusion to believe freedom for and change within ourselves is not possible…
Boundaries: Embracing the Power of Protection and Empowerment
This is a particularly relevant topic for those who struggle with putting up boundaries for the sake of their own protection and empowerment…
The Effects of Porn
Over the last few decades, pornography has experienced lots of transformations due to the internet's availability. It has also become more addictive than ever before as lots of people (especially millennials) spend time watching porn.
Is She Faking Her Orgasm?
Women faking orgasms is actually very common. This might be disappointing to hear but it’s better you know it now than going forth in vain whilst being fooled by an orgasm actress who is tricking you to your detriment and hers, little does she realize.
Embracing Vitality: A Path Beyond Impotence and Premature Ejaculation
Impotence and premature ejaculation are very common issues in men. There are many reasons why a man might have these issues. In my experience, I’ve discovered some reasons to be the most common, which you’ll see below.
Sexual Intentions and Intuition: Building Deeper Connections
When you want sex, are you in the pursuit of it for your own gain or are you interested in an experience of mutual pleasure with your lover? Are you looking for a safe haven of sexual warmth and comfort but not actually wanting to offer that in return?
Love Over Lust: Nurturing the Heart's True Desires
Learn to listen to, love and honour your heart.
Resolving Stress: A Guide to Healthier Living
Stress is accepted as a norm as many of us continually push our limits, despite warning signs…
Exploring Deeper Connections: Beyond the Superficial in Love and Intimacy
I grew up being taught that all men want from a woman is sex. I went about doing what I could as a young woman to rebel against that belief.
The Power of Self-Knowledge for Success and Happiness
To achieve success in relationships and happiness in life, you must first start with looking at yourself…
Exploring Different Types of Women’s Orgasms: A Guide to Female Pleasure and Intimacy
Women have multiple orgasm types. In this journal entry, we explore each one and how to spice up your love-making experiences.
A Seed’s Journey: From Darkness to Light and Growth
A seed falls from its origins to the earth. It needs sustenance from the damp darkness to awaken and anchor into the earth it is to call home…
Finding Balance in the Modern World: A Guide to Inner Peace and Purpose
We live in a human-dominated world with an inflating population and en masse development and production across technological, medical, material, urban and agricultural levels…